Investor RelationsAnnouncements

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Date Title
Apr 03, 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest By Director - Chinoy Yezdi Phiroze
Mar 31, 2023 Annual Reports And Related Documents
Mar 31, 2023 Notice Of Annual General Meeting
Mar 31, 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest By Director - Victor Song Chern Chean
Mar 31, 2023 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Director/ Chief Executive Officer - Disclosure Of Interest By Director - Tan Hai Peng Micheal
Mar 29, 2023 Issue And Listing Of 1,009,654 New Units Under The Distribution Reinvestment Plan
Mar 22, 2023 Notice To Unitholders On Exchange Rate For Computation Of Distribution In Pounds
Feb 23, 2023 Investor Presentation
Feb 22, 2023 Issue Price Of New Units Pursuant To The Distribution Reinvestment Plan For The Distribution Period From 1 July 2022 To 31 December 2022
Feb 14, 2023 Notice Of Valuation Of Real Assets - Notice Of Asset Valuations
Feb 14, 2023 (I) Notice Of Record And Distribution Payment Date
(II) Application Of Distribution Reinvestment Plan To Distribution
Feb 14, 2023 Elite Commercial REIT Delivers Resilient FY 2022 Performance; Reports FY 2022 DPU Of 4.81 Pence
Feb 14, 2023 Financial Statements And Related Announcement - Full Yearly Results
Feb 07, 2023 Notification Of Results Release
Nov 30, 2022 Elite Commercial REIT Secures First Green Loan Facility
Nov 30, 2022 Entry Into A Facility Agreement And Disclosure Pursuant To Rule 704(31) Of The Listing Manual Of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited
Nov 04, 2022 Disclosure Of Interest/ Changes In Interest Of Substantial Shareholder(s)/ Unitholder(s) - Cessation As Substantial Unitholder
Nov 04, 2022 Elite Commercial REIT Reports DPU Of 3.79 Pence For 9M 2022; Extension Of GBP94 Million Loan Facility Ahead Of January 2023 Maturity
Nov 04, 2022 Business Updates For 3Q2022 And Press Release
Nov 01, 2022 Entry Into Second Supplemental Agreement And Disclosure Pursuant To Rule 704(31) Of The Listing Manual Of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited

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